Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 33

volume Number : 9
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 33

volume Number 9، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 33

How king's "justness and greediness" are reflected in Shahnameh and the stylistic analysis of them

َAli Asmand(Author in Charge)


"Justice and greed" among the topics discussed intellectual style Ferdowsi"s Shahnameh is one of the deepest forms the basis of political insight.

Ferdowsi for each kings in proportion to the performance effects of their justice and injustice and wisdom and has listed ancient and historical and mythological epic.

These elements has a harmonic connection with the political attitude of the rulers of the poet. Illustrations poet "greed and justice" come in several different ways the story of the kings.

Literature and conduct their biological rulers in landscape history and experience in both concept "greed and justice" are crystalline.

This behavior myths associated with doing extraordinary things.In this article we have to study the kind of content of these components in Ferdowsi"s epic, Ferdowsi, and to show the effects of political thinking of Ferdowsi.

greed , justice , method , colors of greed & justice , Ferdowsi , political